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Myths & Facts

Choosing the right subject combination builds the foundation of a successful career.
The subject selection process involves awareness of aptitudes and interests, class performance,
the intrinsic value of subjects, and eligibility requirements for courses and careers.
One must also be aware of prevailing myths and facts to make informed choices.


There is ‘not as much scope’ for Humanities’ students as for those who study Science or Commerce.


Most careers are open to students from all subject streams.

It is only the Engineering and Medical related fields that require Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics, or Physics, Chemistry and Biology, respectively (in some countries).

Subjects like History, Political Science and Philosophy help develop higher-order thinking skills – critical for success in most careers.

Psychology can lead to numerous multidisciplinary career specialisations.



Taking up Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics and Biology open up ‘wider career options, increasing the chances of success.


Believing this, students take up these 4 demanding subjects, irrespective of whether they can cope or not. Many appear for both engineering and medical exams without considering their aptitudes and interests.

Engineering and medical entrance tests are an extension of the subjects that students have studied in school. However, the careers they lead to requiring different skill sets and attitudes.

In engineering, you deal with machines. In medicine, you deal primarily with human beings – seeing patients at their worst while having to give your best!

Subject selection and career decisions should not be left to chance.



Students who take up PCM must appear for the IIT JEE exams, as this is the ‘best possible career route’ for them.


Those who join the IIT-JEE bandwagon without considering their aptitudes and interests may face their first career dilemma after they get in and discover that they were more suited for research, architecture, law or another field.

Success will come with the right course at the right campus.



There is ‘more scope’ for careers in the fields of engineering, medicine and management than in design, media or hospitality.


There are no ideal careers, only ideal choices. Each career is as good as the other.

It depends on what matches with your profile and brings out the best in you.



Students who take up interdisciplinary courses (blend of Commerce, Humanities, Science) are ‘at a disadvantage’.


Today, there are many interdisciplinary specialisations like Behavioural Economics (Psychology & Economics), Cliodynamics (History and Mathematics), Bioinformatics (Biology & Computers), etc.

Studying interdisciplinary subjects gives students a distinct edge.



A 5-year integrated Law Course is better than a 3-year LLB programme after graduation.


If you are unsure about a career in Law, it’s advisable to pursue 3-year graduation in any discipline of your choice.

Law can be pursued a 3-year LLB programme after BA, BCom BSc or BBA, etc.



It is better to opt for a professional degree after 10+2. Academic subjects have ‘no career-related value’.


A successful career can be launched with professional or academic courses.

E.g.: To pursue a career in Management / Mass Communication / Law, etc., there are two key routes after 10+2. Academically-oriented students can pursue their bachelor’s degree in an academic field and then go for a postgraduate academic or professional qualification. Those with a vocational bent of mind can opt for a professional programme after 10+2.



High marks are the ‘only indicator’ of future success.


What’s important is the knowledge acquired, not merely the marks scored.

Hobbies such as reading, painting, music and participation in extracurricular activities are essential to developing employability skills like leadership, effective communication, creative ability, etc.



Once you embark on a career ‘you cannot change tracks’.


A multi-disciplinary approach is ideal for a multi-skilled person.

It’s a known fact that many millennials and almost all of Gen-Z and Gen-Alpha will pursue multiple career innings in their lifetimes.



Certain careers ‘don’t go together’ e.g. medicine and music.


There are numerous examples of multi-skilled people who showcased their mettle in divergent careers.

To mention just a few: Shovana Narayan enjoyed a dual career in parallel – as a Kathak artist and a career officer with the Indian Audit and Accounts Service; Dr Karim, a successful surgeon, directed the film ‘Soch’; Keki Daruwala, former Director-General of Police, is also a renowned writer.


Do you ever wonder how people in the ancient and medieval ages lived? Was History your favourite subject in school? Does everything old fascinate you? If so, you could consider taking up archaeology and making some exciting discoveries. Here are some recent ones made by archaeologists.

In 2001, the remains of an ancient city were discovered on the seabed of the Gulf of Cambay (also known as the Gulf of Khambat), along a nine kilometer stretch off the coast of Gujarat province. The structures of the city were said to resemble those of major cities of theIndus Valley Civilisation, with regular geometric patterns representing a granary, a great bath and a citadel.

Recently a 1.8-million-year-old Homo erectus skull was found at Tblisi, Georgia. Hierakonpolis is one of the world’s oldest freestanding mud-brick monumental structure, found in Egypt.In 2001, the remains of an ancient city were discovered on the seabed of the Gulf of Cambay (also known as the Gulf of Khambat), along a nine kilometer stretch off the coast of Gujarat province. The structures of the city were said to resemble those of major cities of theIndus Valley Civilisation, with regular geometric patterns representing a granary, a great bath and a citadel.

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Career Directory

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Chartered Accountancy Forensix Accounting common proficiency


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The Council for the Indian School Certificate Examinations (CISCE)

The CISCE is a private, non-governmental board of school education in india.

Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE)

The Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) is among the largest educational boards in the world.

State Boards

Almost all states in India have their Own state education department that conducts board exams for Classes 10 and 12. At present, there are 52 state-sanctioned boards in the country.

International Baccalaureate (IB)

The IB system sets high global academic standards and goals for learning. Its exams allow students to apply their knowledge in creative and productive ways.

Cambridge International Examinations (CIE)

The CIE, part of the Cambridge Assessment Group, a department of the University of Cambridge, offers the globally acknowledged International General Certificate of Secondary Education (IGCSE) and the AS & A Levels examinations.

Advanced Placement (AP) Exams

AP Exams are administered in May every year and require advance registration.
Some secondary schools in India offer both AP courses and AP Exams but testing is limited to enrolled students.


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Entrance Exams

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World University

Rank 1st
University of Oxford
United Kingdom
Rank 2th
Stanford University
United States
Rank 3th
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
United States
Rank 4rd
Harvard University
United States
Rank 5th
University of Cambridge
United States
*Source: The Times Higher Education World University Rankings 2024


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