How to Become a Remote Intern?

5 min read

Career Trends: September 6, 2024
Curated by the Knowledge Team of  ICS Career GPS

Like traditional internships, remote internships typically provide students with entry-level exposure to a particular industry.

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Remote internships offer flexibility in where—and often when—you do your work. With a remote internship, you can gain field experience while also weaving in a summer course to help you complete your degree. You may even be able to go on that summer trip you have been waiting for without having to take time off from your internship.

Let’s explore how you can find a remote internship.

What is a remote internship?

A remote internship allows you to work online from any location with an internet connection. Like traditional internships, remote internships typically provide students with entry-level exposure to a particular industry and help them apply knowledge from their studies to the real world.

Remote internships typically last a few months, but this varies depending on the organisation. Internships can be full or part-time, paid or unpaid.

Interns take on independent and collaborative work to build their skills in time management, communication and organisation.

In a remote internship, you can expect to attend meetings through video conferencing and use communication and project management tools like Google Docs, Trello and Slack.

What are the benefits of a remote internship?

Many remote internships are project-based, allowing interns to complete their work on their own schedule. Instead of being in the office at predetermined times, these interns can work whenever they feel most comfortable and productive.

They can also choose their work environment daily or even work while travelling.

A remote internship can open the door to worldwide networking. Working with a remote workforce can expand your opportunities beyond state and national borders once it’s time to look for a full-time job.

Lastly, if you perform well in your remote internship, you may be eligible to transition to full-time employment. To reach this stage, you must take initiative in your work and establish strong relationships with your supervisors. Even if no positions are open, keep in touch with your supervisors so they can consider you for future roles.

Where can you find remote internships?

The COVID-19 pandemic changed the landscape of internships, moving many to the virtual space. Whether you’re looking for internships on job boards, company websites or career fairs, plenty of remote options should be available.

1. Attending Career Fairs
  • Career fairs are easily accessible to students, and colleges often hold these events both in person and virtually.
  • Check with your college for career fair opportunities, and if you’re on campus, keep an eye out for posted signage.

Before you attend a career fair, make sure to prepare by:

  • Looking for a list of participating employers
  • Identifying and researching employers that interest you (and maybe a few that don’t)
  • Dressing for success and keeping a positive attitude to make a strong first impression
  • Following up about any remote internship opportunities
2. Browsing Employment Websites
  • Finding a remote internship can be as easy as looking online through employment websites.
  • Searching for internships through these websites has several advantages.
  • You can broaden or focus your search as much as you want based on the work you want to do or even the number of hours you want to work.
  • You can also create filters if you are interested in specific organisations.
  • However, the ease of access may bring more competition.
  • To help stand out, submit a strong resume, letters of recommendation, transcripts and samples of your work.
3. Applying Directly With A Company
  • Many major companies offer remote internships.
  • Consider applying to these internships directly through the company’s careers webpage.

How can you have a successful remote internship?

Working remotely has its challenges. As a remote intern, you need a different set of tools, a different routine and different communication strategies than in-person interns.

1. Know What Technology You Need In Advance
  • All internships are different in terms of technology.
  • Your employer may provide you with a computer and other home office equipment, but some internships require you to work on your personal computer.
  • Make sure you know what equipment you need before the first day of your remote internship.
2. Make Sure Your Wi-Fi Is Up To Speed
  • Remote work means your Wi-Fi needs to be strong and stable enough.
  • It is an essential requirement for you to complete your work without interruption.
3. Establish A Routine
  • At first glance, working from anywhere—may seem like a good deal.
  • But without a routine, the lines between your personal and work life can become blurred, resulting in burnout and overwork.
  • To avoid this, make sure to draw boundaries between your internship hours and your personal time.
  • Your daily work routine may include time for breaks, meals and exercise.
  • Whether you are an early bird or a night owl, setting a specific time and place for you to complete your work can help you stay focused and efficient.
4. Create A Line of Communication With Your Supervisor
  • Having a clear line of communication with your supervisor allows you to clarify your tasks and ask questions as needed.
  • After all, your remote internship is a learning experience, and having the support of your supervisor can help both you and your employer succeed.
  • Clarify communication guidelines and methods with your supervisor as well.
  • For example, some supervisors may prefer communication platforms like Slack or Microsoft Teams, others may prefer email.

Have you checked out yesterday’s blog yet

From “Faking It” to Authentic Confidence: 5 Tips for Building Career Confidence

(Disclaimer: The opinions expressed in the article mentioned above are those of the author(s). They do not purport to reflect the opinions or views of ICS Career GPS or its staff.)

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