How Resilient People Survive Stressful Situations Without Crumbling

4 min read

Education & Career Trends: June 7, 2022
Curated by the Knowledge Team of ICS Career GPS

Amid stressful situations, resilient people devote their efforts to doing what they can to move forward.

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While stress causes some people to crumble, there are others who continue to thrive in the midst of added tension. In fact, they view adversity as an opportunity for self-growth.

Whether they’re dealing with financial setbacks, health problems, or workplace difficulties, these people don’t let stress drag them down. How do they manage that? By making use of some highly effective coping mechanisms.

Here are seven ways to increase your mental resilience and handle stress better:

1. Accept that stress is a part of life.

  • While some people waste time and energy thinking things like, “I shouldn’t have to deal with this,” resilient people know that setbacks, problems, and hardships are inevitable.
  • When stressful situations arise, they devote their efforts into doing what they can to move forward.
  • Even when they can’t change the circumstances, they know they can always take steps to improve their lives.

2. Keep problems in proper perspective.

  • Rather than think a flat tire has the power to ruin their whole day, resilient people keep inconveniences in proper perspective.
  • When they’re tempted to catastrophise a minor event — such as thinking one mistake could ruin their whole career — they respond by reframing the message they give themselves.
  • They refuse to allow a pessimistic inner monologue to take hold.

3. Take care of your physical health.

  • Resilient people recognise the importance of keeping their bodies in smooth operating condition.
  • They know they won’t be able to combat stress if they’re worn out.
  • They exercise, get plenty of sleep, and maintain a diet that keeps them healthy.

4. Choose healthy coping skills.

  • While some people turn to alcohol, junk food, or other unhealthy vices to help them escape stress, resilient people choose to cope with discomfort in a productive manner.
  • They allow themselves to feel uncomfortable emotions, like anxiety, fear, and sadness, head-on.
  • They use healthy activities, like going for a walk or participating in a hobby, to cope with emotional pain.

5. Balance social activity with solitude.

  • Sometimes, in an attempt to avoid facing problems, people fill their schedules with social activities.
  • Others deal with stress by withdrawing from their friends and family.
  • Resilient people, however, strike a good balance.
  • They maintain a healthy social life even when they’re stressed, but they also reserve time to be alone with their thoughts.

6. Acknowledge your choices.

  • Stress can cause people to feel like a victim of bad circumstances.
  • But, resilient people acknowledge that everything they do, from the time they wake up until the time they go to sleep, is a choice.
  • They’re willing to say no to things they don’t want to do and they accept responsibility for their behaviour.

7. Look for the silver lining.

  • Resilient people don’t see the world through rose-coloured glasses — their outlook is realistic — but they do look for the silver lining in tough circumstances.
  • They recognise that good things can stem from stressful circumstances.
  • Rather than allowing hardship to turn them into bitter people or helpless victims, they choose to use stressful circumstances to become better.

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(Disclaimer: The opinions expressed in the article mentioned above are those of the author(s). They do not purport to reflect the opinions or views of ICS Career GPS or its staff.)

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