Career in Technical Writing

4 min read

Education & Career Trends: August 14, 2024

Curated by the Knowledge Team of  ICS Career GPS

A technical content writer produces content through blog posts, articles, eBooks, white papers, product reviews, and buying and ultimate guides to reach a specific goal.

  • Excerpts are taken from an article published on

If you have a knack for understanding complex technical details, and you want to help people understand such points and data better, then technical content writing might be an ideal career for you. Let’s find out how you can get into it and achieve the heights of success.

What Is Technical Content Writing?

A technical content writer produces content through blog posts, articles, eBooks, white papers, product reviews, and buying and ultimate guides to reach a specific goal. To achieve the specific aim of creating content, you’ll need to learn a bit about researching and using keywords in your content and writing in the brand’s tone and style.

You must also be able to break down complex technical details in an easy-to-understand language, write concisely, and be free from unnecessary jargon. You can consider writing for SaaS companies, firms selling web-based software or other products, cryptocurrency, programming languages’ blogs, tech news, tech tutorial blogs, and more.

Now that you have understood what a technical content writer is and how one operates, you should know what a technical content writer isn’t.

What Isn’t Technical Content Writing?

As you begin applying for jobs, you will find two types of openings. One will be for the role of a technical content writer for a tech blog, and another will be for the role of a technical writer. You must know that the duties of these two positions differ considerably.

Unlike a tech content writer, a technical writer creates documentation, user manuals, instruction guides, and possibly white papers about the company’s products.

The Top Three Skills You Need to Become a Tech Content Writer

Here is a list of the skills you definitely want to have to become a successful technical content writer.

1. Rock-Solid Writing Skills

Every aspiring writer must develop solid writing skills. You can join a university course or take some online writing classes to expand your knowledge in this area.

Alongside perfect grammar, you’ll also need to learn a few more skills to be successful in this field, like storytelling, keeping the reader engaged, writing persuasive headlines, and influencing your audience to take action.

2. Researching Complex Topics

Poor research leads to poor content, wasting your readers’ and your clients’ time. So, developing good research skills is a necessity. One of the best ways to research is to find facts and information from authority blogs.

That means when you search on Google, you should know the source of the information you are using. Stick to the top results, check the website’s domain authority, look over the monthly traffic the blog receives each month, and more.

3. Interacting With Industry Experts

Apart from researching on Google, if you want to create original, in-depth content that is not available elsewhere, you may need to interview field experts. These people can be engineers, researchers, security analysts, etc.

However, getting this far in your research takes time and communication expertise. If you want to become a top-paying technical content writer working for leading companies.

If you’re working on a tech news blog, it’ll be a necessity. So, learn how to write emails that get replies and are the perfect way to interact with and interview someone.

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(Disclaimer: The opinions expressed in the article mentioned above are those of the author(s). They do not purport to reflect the opinions or views of ICS Career GPS or its staff.)

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