Are You at the Right Workplace? 5 Ways to Find Out

5 min read

Education & Career Trends: July 19, 2024

Curated by the Knowledge Team of  ICS Career GPS

HR leaders talk about various ways to find out if you are at the right workplace.

Excerpts are taken from an article published on

Being in the “right job” may seem a myth for many, but a proper fit for a person and a job does exist. HR leaders tell about various ways to find out if you are at the right workplace and will grow your career and how to broaden your view about yourself to make better long-term career decisions.

Asit Kumar, chief human resource officer at fintech company Lendingkart, opines that if your workplace has the following, consider yourself blessed to be in the right job.

  • leadership team that has a long-term vision goes a long way in building a great business.  Hence, employees in such places, by default, feel confident that they are in the right place to build their careers.
  • A great culture that has employee-friendly policies such as employee wellness in mind, reward and recognition, adequate and fair compensation for all etc gives a boost to an employee that they are surrounded by thought leaders. They feel welcome and want to thrive for the organisation. When motivated employees come together, magic happens.
  • A well-defined career path for all levels in an organisation devoid of bureaucracy is a great way to scream how good a great company is for the employee and what it can mean to their career.
  • A welcoming onboarding programme is another great way to identify if the organisation is the place for the employee to build their career there.  Any employee who is made to feel important at the beginning of joining can go a long way in building their mark in the organisation.
  • Learning and development opportunities are a great way to engage stellar employees.  Any organisation that has a clear intervention of individual development plan, following up and also involving in developing the individual can see a great engagement by employees who think they can grow their career in the organisation.
  • Open and honest communication within the organisation and encouraging open communication within teams is another great way to boost employee engagement and make employees affirm they are in the right place.
  • Many high performers can navigate through ambiguity and hustle, and it is important for any organisation to bring in some structure as much as possible. This helps teams collaborate efficiently and stellar employees thrive at a place that has some structure.

Important positive aspects to look out for:

For Ashish Singhal, co-founder and CEO at CoinSwitch, the right workplace is the one where an employee’s happiness comes from achieving.

  • Recognition: A workplace that makes you feel valued and shows what you do, matters.
  • Clarity: Employee satisfaction comes from clarity of their work, achieving their goals, and making meaningful progress. A workplace that enables this is the right workplace.
  • Transparency: As a leader, you need to be honest and transparent about what you want to achieve—what success means to you—to help employees relate to what we are trying to achieve together, share failures, be honest, and be upfront.
  • Trust: You need to trust your employees—trust them to do their best, and empower them to go about it.
  • Vision: Alignment on the ultimate goal helps employees make good, better, and turn bad into good.

What to see when considering whether a company is right for you?

Satish Shukla, co-founder & head – of HR & marketing at robotics and automation company Addverb Technologies shares the following ways to determine if a company is right for you.

Meaningful Work: You find meaning and purpose in your work, and work is not just a set of instructions you execute day in and and day out. You get to use a vast variety of skills and develop a range of competencies through your work.

Association:  You associate with the vision and values of the organisation, and you feel aligned with the overall direction of the organisation. You get this urge to go above and beyond for your organisation, feel a very strong association with your peer group, and have good friends at the workplace. A good barometer to check this is the kind of conversation you are having with your partner about your workplace, if it borders positive it means you have a strong association with your workplace

Autonomy: You get considerable freedom and autonomy to make decisions related to your work. You get an opportunity to execute improvement projects, launch new initiatives, and also get the necessary budgets to see through your initiatives

Appreciation: Your contribution is appreciated, and you are rewarded and recognised for your contributions. Also, you get an opportunity to reward and recognise your team

Feedback & learning: You are given timely, specific and actionable feedback on your work and also the organisation invests in your learning and plans different types of interventions and learning exposures for you.

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(Disclaimer: The opinions expressed in the article mentioned above are those of the author(s). They do not purport to reflect the opinions or views of ICS Career GPS or its staff.)

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