7 Things Recruiters First Look at in Your Resume

4 min read

Education & Career Trends: June 25, 2024
Curated by the Knowledge Team of  ICS Career GPS

Some details can reveal a lot about the applicant’s personality.

Content Credit:

  • Article published on indiatoday.in. 

Recruiters are exceptionally busy professionals. They are under pressure to find new hires for various organisations and have to sift through heaps of resumes to select the ideal candidates to present to executives and heads. When judging job applications, HR departments all have their distinct methods. Certain details can reveal much about the applicant’s personality and whether their resume accurately reflects who they are.

Since recruiters have very little time, it’s essential that your resume is in excellent condition and grabs the recruiter’s attention at a glance to be considered.

The Role of Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS)

The initial steps of hiring, including job postings and applications, are managed by software called applicant tracking systems (ATS). These systems help provide searchable information about job seekers. However, ATS are more than just organisers; they also screen applicants and recommend the best candidates. An ATS may conduct a preliminary analysis of applicants, identifying the best candidates for a job. It may also look for keywords or use AI-like algorithms to perform a more in-depth analysis of the applicant. The goal is to expedite the review of job applications and resumes by HR.

Essential Tips for an Outstanding Resume

1. Organisation of Your Resume

Although a recruiter generally cares about your experience, knowledge, and skills, they also notice the overall organisation of your resume. Ensure your resume and cover letter align with the job description and requirements. State and demonstrate your work experience, education, skills, and accomplishments relevant to the job opening.

2. Previous Job Experience

At a glance, a recruiter will first see your work history. If not immediately clear, the recruiter will need to dig deeper to assess if you’re a suitable match. Include your job title, organisation name, dates of employment, responsibilities (list key duties, including any significant IT systems), and accomplishments (any notable achievements during your tenure).

3. Attention to Detail: Grammar and Spelling

Spelling and grammar are critical when submitting a resume. A resume is a document that is not rushed or time-sensitive, giving the applicant ample time to review, tweak, and have someone else edit it before submission.

4. Sense of Authenticity and Self

Online profiles and resumes can only tell so much about a candidate. Recruiters want to hire someone with relevant job experience and a special something that brings their skills to life. They look for a sense of authenticity and self in the application.

5. Visual Appeal of the Resume

Use tone and pleasant typography to catch the recruiter’s eye, rather than opting for the same bland format and colours that everyone else uses. Be creative with your resume, especially if you’re seeking a position in a creative field, speciality or industry. Inject some personality into your resume to make it stand out.

6. Passion for Individual Activities

Recruiters see the same things on many resumes, so why not show them that you’re unique by listing key personal projects? This can demonstrate your passion for the industry and be a game-changer in getting you an interview.

7. How You Present Yourself

Confidence reflects your personality, and recruiters are always interested in how candidates present themselves. What do they emphasize? How do they discuss their experience? Demonstrating growth and potential through your resume shows that you could be a successful fit in a new role.

By paying attention to these details, you can ensure your resume not only stands out to recruiters but also accurately reflects your qualifications and personality, increasing your chances of landing that desired interview.

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(Disclaimer: The opinions expressed in the article mentioned above are those of the author(s). They do not purport to reflect the opinions or views of ICS Career GPS or its staff.)

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