5 Strategies to Help You Stay Consistent With Your Goals

4 min read

Education & Career Trends: July 15, 2024

Curated by the Knowledge Team of  ICS Career GPS

Setting goals help trigger new behaviours, align your focus and help you sustain that momentum in life.

  • Excerpts are taken from an article published on psychologytoday.com.

Goal setting is a purposeful and explicit process that starts with identifying a new objective, skill, or project you want to achieve. It is pertinent for every individual. There are always milestones we all want to accomplish in life. Goals are more deliberate than desires and momentary intentions. Therefore, setting goals means that a person has committed thought, emotion, and behaviour towards attaining the goal.

Setting goals help trigger new behaviours, align your focus and help you sustain that momentum in life. Goal setting is quite easy, but staying consistent with the set goals is where the bulk of the work lies.

Here are some things you can do to help stay consistent with your goals:

1. Pursue “your own” goals

  • One of the reasons people often give up on their goals easily is because most of these goals have been influenced by their environment, challenges and people around them.
  • So, these goals in the true sense have been changed from what the real owner desires.   
  • When you pursue a goal that is influenced and shaped by social perspectives, the possibility of being inconsistent with it is high.
  • Goals that are not products of genuine fervour and interest will lose steam eventually as goals feed solely on one’s will to achieve them.   
  • If you are sure about what you want to achieve; consistency will follow suit.  

2. Remember why you set your goal in the first place   

  • To stay consistent with your goals, you need to always remind yourself of the reason you set the goal in the first place and the end you have in sight if these goals are accomplished.   
  • Keeping your goals in sight and revisiting them always before starting your day keeps you away from procrastination and makes you conscious of the worth of all your daily actions.  
  • Your daily actions go a long way to determining how close you are to achieving your goals.
  • Providing yourself with a daily reminder is a great booster to helping you stay committed to your goals.   

3. Surround yourself with positive people  

  • To stay consistent with your goals, you need to surround yourself with positive individuals.
  • When you have positive people around you, you are able to tap into their positive energy.
  • Being in a positive environment supplies you with the needed energy to stay motivated and consistent with your goals.   
  • Getting rid of negativity around you also helps you stay consistent with your goals.   

4. Understand that you can’t always have control over every situation   

  • Bearing in mind that things will not always go the way you plan will help you stay consistent and not get discouraged with your goals.   
  • You cannot always control everything.
  • All you need do is give your best in all you do.
  • The key to staying consistent with your goals is in knowing that you need to constantly keep forging ahead regardless of failures or challenges encountered.  

5. Don’t lose sight of the bigger picture  

  • Distractions are one of the inevitable things we face during the process of achieving our goals.
  • To keep yourself from distraction and inconsistency in achieving your goals, constantly remind yourself of the end you have in sight.  
  • Keep the bigger picture in mind and remember that all your efforts will be fruitful in the end.  

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(Disclaimer: The opinions expressed in the article mentioned above are those of the author(s). They do not purport to reflect the opinions or views of ICS Career GPS or its staff.)

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