3 Disturbing Signs the Universe is Supporting You in the Right Direction

5 min read

Education & Career Trends: September 28, 2024

Curated by the Knowledge Team of  ICS Career GPS

When life pushes you in a direction you didn’t anticipate, take a moment to reflect.

Article by Ruchi Thalwal, published on medium.com.

Once, I heard an enlightened master say, “Life will never give you what you don’t need.”

But it becomes hard to believe when life becomes unfair. It is easy to fall into the pit of blaming life rather than looking at the broader picture.

You want clarity, especially when chaos hits.

But clarity can’t come if you are stuck in your mental prison and fail to see that life is actually supporting you in the right direction.

Feeling Lost and Confused

“You have to keep breaking your heart until it opens.” — Rumi

Everything in nature happens slowly and perfectly.

Growth is not a one-time process. It is a continuous journey.

As you grow, you might not need old things. Known people may become distant when they stop aligning with you. Your patterns and personality may subtly change, which others may not agree with.

Everybody is growing. Some people grow in. Others grow out.

During transition periods, it is natural to feel confused. As old starts to dissolve, the mind is not ready to move on and cling to the known.

This is where confusion happens. Doubts come.

But this is a subtle sign that the universe is giving you that shows that you are growing in the right direction. You may not be able to see it clearly.

Expectations may crash. The heart may break.

When nothing makes sense, it is often a period of shedding what does not serve you anymore. A breakthrough is around the corner.

Resisting it will only make things worse. Know this ironical sign that the universe hints you are growing in the right direction.

Losing People You Have Known

“Sometimes we must let go of the life we have planned so as to accept the one that is waiting for us.” — Mooji.

If you have been in a place lately where you strangely lose people you have known your life, maybe it is for a reason.

Maybe it is a sign from the universe that wants you to reconnect with your real self. Sometimes, we lose ourselves while dealing with people. Maybe it is time to relax and reinvent your priorities.

Maybe it is a sign from the universe that those people have served their roles, and now is the time to move on.

Maybe it is a sign from the universe that wants you to explore new places and people.

You meet people for a reason. You lose them for a reason.

Ask yourself:

  • How long has it been since you reconnected with your real desires?
  • How long has it been since you acted authentically from a place of genuine being?
  • How long has it been since you openly shared your heart with someone and feel supported and connected?
  • How long has it been since you were really you?

Not everything has to be for other people or relationships.

You are a crucial aspect of your life. The best moment to rediscover yourself comes when you don’t expect it to happen.

Intense Emotional Turmoils

“Sadness gives depth. Happiness gives height. Happiness is like a tree going into the sky, and sadness is like the roots going down into the womb of the earth.” — Osho.

The major part of growth happens when you suffer.

I know how difficult it is to accept. But without suffering, no true growth can ever happen.

For alchemy to happen, the intensity of turmoils has to be there. The force of emotional whirlpool can open the portal of transformation that you never thought existed.

You try to resist unpleasant situations. You try to save yourself. But there is no real saving. Either you:

  • Stay in your fear
  • Suppress it and think your fear is gone. But when the trigger happens, it returns forcefully. Or
  • Cross the fire of fear and be free from it.

Of course, the process takes time.

But it all starts when you start to accept your emotional turmoils instead of blaming and criticising others and hiding yourself.

If the universe has given you emotional turmoil, it means a deep internal shift. It means clearing out old, clogged patterns and getting a refreshed start.

Final Thoughts

We all want life to go according to our plans, but sometimes life has its own agenda, which may not align with ours. When life pushes you in a direction you didn’t anticipate, take a moment to reflect. The universe is always guiding you toward your highest potential, even if the journey feels painful at times.

Pause. Reflect. Breathe. And embrace the process, knowing that, one day, it will all make sense.

Have you checked out yesterday’s blog yet

Common Fears That Keep Us Stuck and How to Overcome Them

(Disclaimer: The opinions expressed in the article mentioned above are those of the author(s). They do not purport to reflect the opinions or views of ICS Career GPS or its staff.)

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