How Learning to Play a New Instrument Improves Your Life

4 min read

Education & Career Trends: May 3, 2022
Curated by the Knowledge Team of ICS Career GPS

Learning to play a musical instrument helps reduce stress and anxiety.

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Music has many benefits for our mental health. Listening to music relaxes our body, while learning to play a musical instrument helps reduce stress and anxiety. It is not only a great happiness booster but also improves one’s self-confidence and decision-making abilities.

The benefits of music on children have been scientifically proven; if children are learning to play a musical instrument, they are likely to have ease in their studies and especially in subjects related to numbers.

Many studies prove that music has a beneficial effect on our body and our total well-being if we start learning music at a more advanced age.

Here are some other ways in which learning to play a musical instrument can help improve your life quality:

Improves Your Time Management

  • Music is one of the areas which needs constant practice and discipline. These concepts are strongly related to time management.
  • You can practise 5 hours per day and not advance, but with correct time management, accurate and focused practice, your technique improvement is only a question of time.
  • Once you manage your schedules and understand the importance of training, your success is guaranteed.

Reduces Stress and Anxiety

  • Playing a musical instrument is a good support to reduce anxiety levels and improve your mood.
  • Nowadays, our mind is exposed to overwhelming and demanding activities and tasks, which make our mental abilities less compelling.
  • Playing a musical instrument helps guide all the negativity, stress and pressure towards something friendly and efficient.
  • Medical research has shown that music reduces the amount of cortisol hormone, which is one of the stress-causing hormones.

Enhances Your Social Life

  • Music makes you unique. You stand out in your environment and also create a broader network with people sharing hobbies similar to yours.
  • When you learn music, you also learn to listen to other instruments, developing a strong sense of leadership and teamwork.
  • You are more patient and tolerant of mistakes and it gives you a sense of satisfaction.

Boosts Your Self-Confidence

  • Learning to play an instrument is challenging, it consists in making goals and achieving them.
  • Nothing is more satisfactory than a new fulfilled goal and a new achievement.
  • Finding satisfaction in the instrument you are playing is finding support and solution to many issues.

When I had nothing else, I had my mother and the piano. And you know what? They were all I needed.”

Alicia Keys.

Teaches You Patience

  • Learning to play a new instrument requires concentration and hours of practice.
  • Regular and systematised practices construct a strong awareness of the importance of playing the instrument.
  • This awareness arises into patience and endurance.
  • For children, it is an ability of moderation and persistence. For adults, it is tolerance and self-control.

Powers Your Memory

  • Playing a musical instrument improves your memory and activates your brain.
  • Motoring skills activate memory sections of the brain.
  • Music reactivates stored memory and makes its content active for a long time, it also boosts muscle memory and short-term memory.

Ushers in Creativity and Fun

  • Music gives you a chance to be free, creative and happy.
  • Music apps have broken boring lesson stereotypes.
  • Interactive music lessons convert the learning process into a daily fun activity full of new challenges, achievements, self-esteem and inspiration.

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(Disclaimer: The opinions expressed in the article mentioned above are those of the author(s). They do not purport to reflect the opinions or views of ICS Career GPS or its staff.)

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