Edition: February 13th, 2022
Curated by the Knowledge Team of ICS Career GPS

From tech products to apps that support a sustainable lifestyle, there are different ways in which technology can help you lead a more eco-friendly life.
- Excerpts from article by Donald Kim, published on blueandgreentomorrow.com
If you are looking to live a more sustainable lifestyle, you should be aware of the fact that there are several technologies and tech products that can help you do so in unique ways. From tech products to apps that support a sustainable lifestyle, there are different ways in which technology can help you to lead a sustainable lifestyle.
Here are 6 ways to use technology to lead a sustainable lifestyle:
1. Use a Smart Thermostat.
- One of the simplest, most straightforward, and most practical ways technology can help you live a sustainable lifestyle is through a smart thermostat.
- Investing in a smart thermostat, especially in this day and age, is a good choice.
- Smart thermostats are devices that regulate the temperature according to the real-time surrounding data.
- The thermostat consists of a variety of sensors that sense the surrounding conditions and allow automatic adjustment of the temperature throughout the day that can help save energy and also help you save money on your bills.
2. Go for Energy-Saving Appliances.
- Using energy-saving appliances is another way to save energy and live a sustainable lifestyle.
- There are different technological appliances available (energy efficient ACs, refrigerators, etc.), which are environmentally friendly and allow you to reduce your electricity consumption.
- Smart lighting services are also available now. These allow the lightbulbs in your house to be connected to the WiFi network of your router.
- Once lightbulbs are connected, you can control them using an app that allows you to turn the lights on and off with a single tap on your mobile phone.
3. Reconsider your Purchase Choices.
- Another simple way by which you can lead a sustainable lifestyle and put less strain on the environment is by reducing the energy consumption and waste releases by re-considering your purchase choices.
- Instead of purchasing something that will put the environment at risk, you should choose a safer alternative.
- Also, choosing a recyclable option is better than a non-recyclable one.
4. Invest in Renewable Energy Sources.
- Investing in renewable energy sources for your home and household is another great option and it will be a good step towards sustainable living.
- Different renewable energy options are available, such as solar panels for households and windmills for large offices or businesses. These can harness solar and wind energy to generate electricity.
- In the past few years, the price of solar and wind panels has decreased, and there are even some benefits, such as tax breaks, offered to people who use renewable energy sources.
5. Choose Energy-Efficient Digital Devices.
- Technology can also lead towards a sustainable lifestyle if you correctly choose your tech devices and appliances.
- Whenever you are buying a new device, always ensure that it is energy-efficient.
- Choose a device that has both robust software and hardware, which can work well in the long run.
- Most modern-day digital devices are built to last long, and you can easily use your devices for 3-4 years without any problem.
- Devices like WiFi routers can last even longer, 5-8 years, without any problem since their hardware and software don’t become obsolete, and you can install new OS updates to the router.
6. Buy/Sell Second-Hand Gadgets.
- Buying and selling second-hand or used technology devices, gadgets, and items is also good for the environment since the used product will be reused by you or someone else.
- By doing so, you will be saving up on money, getting a good value for what you spent, and reducing the numbers of items that you end up discarding.
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(Disclaimer: The opinions expressed in the article mentioned above are those of the author(s). They do not purport to reflect the opinions or views of ICS Career GPS or its staff.)
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