Latest education and career news from around the world — 6th September, 2020

3 min read

Curated by the Knowledge Team of ICS Career GPS


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12 of the most common types of Blended Learning

Blended Learning is not so much an innovation as it is a natural by-product of the digital domain creeping into physical spaces. It means a mix of learning online and face-to-face, which means it’s likely your students are already doing some form of blended learning and have for years. As digital and social media become more and more prevalent in the life of learners, it was only a matter of time before learning became ‘blended’ by necessity.

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Education in a post-COVID world: Nine ideas for public action

“COVID-19 has the potential to radically reshape our world, but we must not passively sit back and observe what plays out,” said Ethiopian President H.E. Ms Sahle-Work Zewde, Chair of the International Commission on the Futures of Education. “Now is the time for public deliberation and democratic accountability. Now is the time for intelligent collective action.”

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Psychology is inevitable in Artificial Intelligence

In a future where artificial intelligence (AI) is universal, psychology will stay an asset for helping individuals adapt to vulnerability and change. As the world turns out to be progressively more innovative, so does the requirement for human-based advising and connection.

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Want to be successful? Do These 7 things in your spare time

Did you know startups fail about four times as often as they succeed? Do you know why it’s so hard to get a successful business off the ground? It’s attributable to many factors, one of which could be the way the founders are spending their spare time. The productivity you can generate in your free time often carries over into the success of your professional endeavors.

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(Disclaimer: The opinions expressed in the above mentioned articles are those of the authors. They do not purport to reflect the opinions or views of ICS Career GPS or its staff.)

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