Latest education and career news from around the world — 28th August, 2020

3 min read

Curated by the Knowledge Team of ICS Career GPS


Life during the COVID-19 pandemic is difficult for parents and children alike. The return to school is an important and welcome step, but you and your children are likely to have many questions. ©UNICEF/UNI332775/Bänsch

What will a return to school during the COVID-19 pandemic look like?

What parents need to know about school reopening in the age of coronavirus.

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Schools need to prepare for a ‘safe return’. Image: CDC website

Coronavirus Disease — Schools and Child Care

Plan, Prepare, and Respond

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By Jessica Stillman, contributor, INC.COM@ENTRYLEVELREBEL. Image:

3 Things That Will Make You Happier Than Money, According to Research

Science shows that, after a point, other things will make you happier than chasing conventional ‘success’ in your career.

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A highly-instagrammed street in Istanbul stands shuttered and empty. UNDP Eurasia/Karen Cirillo

Launch of UN policy brief on Covid-19 and transforming tourism

“It is imperative that we rebuild tourism in a safe, equitable and climate friendly way.” — António Guterres

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By Jessica Stillman, contributor, INC.COM@ENTRYLEVELREBEL. Image: Getty Images

EQ Matters More Than IQ for Group Success, New Harvard Study Says

A team with high emotional intelligence tends to perform better than one composed only of the smartest people in the company.

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Jack Ma: This is what to study if you want a high-paying job in the future

At the heart of the fast-approaching technological new age, Ma says, is data.

(Disclaimer: The opinions expressed in the above mentioned articles are those of the authors. They do not purport to reflect the opinions or views of ICS Career GPS or its staff.)

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