Education and Career News / Trends from around the World — November 13th, 2020

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Image Source: ANI

Class 2 Indian Student, Enters Guinness World Record As Youngest Programmer

Excerpts from article by Aishwarya Dharni, published in India Times

A six-year-old boy from Ahmedabad in India has entered Guinness World Record as the World’s Youngest Computer Programmer.

Arham Om Talsania, a student of class two, has cleared the Microsoft certification exam at Pearson VUE test centre.

“My father taught me coding. I started using tablets when I was 2 years old. At the age of 3, I bought gadgets with iOS and Windows. Later, I got to know that my father was working on Python,” Talsania told ANI.

“When I got my certificate from Python, I was creating small games. After some time, they asked me to send some proof of work. A few months later, they approved me and I got the Guinness World Record certificate,” he said.

Talsania dreams to become a business entrepreneur and help everyone.

Arham Talsania’s father, Om Talsania, who is a software engineer said that his son had developed an interest in coding and he taught him the basics of programming.

“Since he was very young he was very much interested in gadgets. He used to play games on tablet devices. He also used to solve puzzles. When he developed an interest in playing video games, he thought to create it. He used to see me doing coding,” he said.

“He also got recognized as a Microsoft technology associate. We applied for Guinness Book World record as well,” he added.


Image Source: David Paul Morris | Getty Images

10 ways ridiculously successful people think differently

Excerpts from article by Travis Bradberry, published in CNBC make it

Successful people come from all walks of life, yet they all have one thing in common: where others see impenetrable barriers, they see challenges to embrace and obstacles to overcome.

Obstacles do not block the path; they are the path.

This perspective helps successful people to think differently to everyone else, which is important, because if you think like everyone else, no matter how smart or experienced you are, you’ll hit the same ceiling.

We all know how important it is to approach problems with radical optimism and creativity, but this is easier said than done. In a study conducted at Adobe, 96 percent of employees identified creativity as essential to their success, both in terms of their income and the value they bring to the world. What’s more, 78 percent wished they were capable of thinking differently, believing that they would progress through their careers more quickly if they did.

You can study how ridiculously successful people think and incorporate their approach into your repertoire.

1. They’re confident

If only we knew of all the great ideas that never came to fruition because people lacked the confidence to put them into action. Successful people confidently act on their ideas, because they know that a failed idea is not a reflection of their ability; instead, they see it as a wonderful learning opportunity.

2. They’re composed

Ultra-successful people are composed, because they constantly monitor their emotions and understand them and they use this knowledge in the moment to react with self-control to challenging situations. They know that no matter how good or bad things get, everything changes with time. All they can do is to adapt and adjust to stay happy and in control.

3. They’re honest

Super-successful people trust that honesty and integrity. They know that honesty allows for genuine connections with people and that lying always comes back to bite you in the end. In fact, a Notre Dame study showed that people who often lied experienced more mental health problems than their more honest counterparts.

4. They seek out small victories

Successful people like to challenge themselves and to compete, even when their efforts yield only small victories. Small victories build new androgen receptors in the areas of the brain responsible for reward and motivation. When you achieve a series of small victories, the boost in your confidence can last for months.

5. They’re always learning

Super-successful people often know more than others do, because they’re constantly trying to learn. They vow to constantly grow, and they fill every spare moment with self-education. They don’t do this because it’s “the right thing to do”; they do it because it’s their passion.

Instead of succumbing to their fear of looking stupid, truly exceptional people just ask the questions on their mind, because they would rather learn something new than appear smart.

6. They expose themselves to a variety of people

There’s no easier way to learn to think differently than spending time with someone whose strengths are your weaknesses or whose ideas are radically different from your own. This exposure sparks new ideas and makes you well rounded.

This is why we see so many great companies with co-founders who stand in stark contrast to each other. Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak from Apple were a prime example.

7. They keep an open mind

Exposing yourself to a variety of people is useless if you spend that time disagreeing with them and comforting yourself with your own opinions. Successful people recognize that every perspective provides an opportunity for growth.

You need to practice empathy. A great way to keep an open mind is to try to glean at least one interesting or useful thing from every conversation you have.

8. They’re fearless

Fear is nothing more than a lingering emotion that’s fueled by your imagination. Danger is real. Danger is the uncomfortable rush of adrenaline you get when you almost step in front of a bus; fear is a choice.

Instead of letting fear take over, exceptional people addicted to the euphoric feeling they get from conquering their fears.

9. They turn tedious tasks into games

Every job entails some degree of tedium. For most people, tedium leads to sloppy, rushed work. Only the most successful people turn tedious work into a game, they challenge themselves and produce high-quality work, making things interesting in the process.

10. They dream big but remain grounded

Successful people reach for the seemingly impossible, but they do so in a way that is actionable and realistic. While you may not know exactly how you’re going to achieve your dream, you need to make progress no matter how small the steps.

For example, Elon Musk’s goal at SpacEx is to “Occupy Mars.” It’s a far cry from colonizing Mars, but it’s an essential step in the process.

Bringing it all together

The above behaviors can make any of us more successful if we use them every day. Give them a try, and see where they take you.

(Disclaimer: The opinions expressed in the article mentioned above are those of the author(s). They do not purport to reflect the opinions or views of ICS Career GPS or its staff.)

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