Curated by the Knowledge Team of ICS Career GPS

The magic of augmented reality in education sector
Excerpts from article by Priya Dialani, published in Analytics Insight
Innovation empowered learning and smart boards have supplanted ordinary slates, chalks, and course books.
Today, organizations all over the globe are utilizing virtual and augmented reality to give better learning and training experience in schools, and businesses, including retail, automotive, healthcare, and real estate.
Schools and universities are changing their conventional methods of educating. Virtual and augmented reality will totally alter the manner in which teachers teach and students learn. Innovation empowered learning and smart boards have supplanted ordinary slates, chalks, and course books.
The worldwide market for AR in Education is assessed at $760.4 Mn in the year 2020, is anticipated to a revised size of $41.8 Bn by 2027, developing at a CAGR of 77.2% over the period 2020-2027, according to a report published by
Enhanced Learning Environment
Have you found out about Chromville, the famous art AR application? It permits students to color the characters in a unique manner. The uncolored characters begin to lose their life and colored characters can be rejuvenated.
This stunning experience changes the total learning environment for students. Truth be told, it adds rush to their exhausting art class. Why not think about some creative AR learning applications like this?It won’t just bring business to you yet in addition add importance to all your endeavors of improving the education system.
Interactive Learning
Interactive AR changes the classroom environment including the whiteboards and classroom walls into motion-controlled knowledge surfaces, on which teachers can pull various types of multimedia content like pictures and videos and outline them to the students.
Envision an instructor writing a human heart on the AR whiteboard which at that point perceives the subject and presents students with a perspective on the 3D cross-section visualizing the arteries and veins of the heart and understanding the dissemination of blood in it. The regular interaction on the whiteboard permits teachers to explain the human heart with more clarification while permitting students to team up at the same time on the whiteboard. Activity-based learning assists students with getting additional learning in less time and with an improved learning experience.
Enhanced Storytelling
Today, various AR applications like BBC Augmented reality application, are helping individuals to see different societies, artifacts, and landscapes from around the globe. What do you think, a student will remember more, a visually seen Egypt human advancement or the section on this point in his/her book?
An application that has improved the storytelling process is Civilization AR. This application is equipped for demonstrating 3 D visuals of old human civilizations to students for better understanding. Such AR application thoughts are overwhelming the conventional method of storytelling in the education industry.
Virtual Field Trips
Immersive applications can let students experience what one would have been experiencing the past and witness a historic moment utilizing digital reality. VR headsets can be utilized for a field outing to museums, nations while sitting in the classroom or home. This will give opportunities for students to experience historical events and adds to a more profound comprehension of the subjects.
Intelligent Student Response Capture System
The fiducial-based system in AR comprehends the patterns shown by the students during polls, quizzes, and feedback sessions through placards and gathers their response, understands, and checks the vote. It encourages activity-based learning by considering students’ and teachers’ gestures in the classroom. The EdTech world is using augmented reality innovation to improve its conventional methods of giving knowledge. Augmented reality has profited the education business by moving the concentration from reading and writing to comprehension and experience.

How to move forward in your career after a setback
Excerpts from article by Bryan Robinson, published in Forbes
If you’re climbing the career ladder, it won’t be a straight shot. No matter how educated, talented or skilled you are, progress simply doesn’t work that way. It’s simple science. At some point, we have to regress to progress. If we get stuck on one rung, our continued success is usually a consequence of our attitude and how we respond.
Never Give Up
It’s natural to grow disheartened when we feel defeated on the way to a professional dream that we want with our heart and soul. We’re knocked down, and the heartbreak slams the wind out of us. With our faces marred by dust and sweat and blood, we push ourselves up on our scabby knees, stagger to our feet and summon the courage to try again. Being able to struggle and overcome the hard times is just a valuable as having the strength to show up and face the challenge one more time.
Chinese philosopher Confucius said, “It does not matter how slowly you go as long as you do not stop” to Thomas Edison, who said, “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time” to American writer Truman Capote, who said, “Failure is the condiment that gives success its flavor.”
Reset With Self-Affirmations
Inner dialogue has power. It can make you think you can achieve something, or it can make you give up before you try. Even if you have the ability, you might tell yourself you can’t. Positive self-talk helps you cope better with adversity because it helps you see solutions to work/life problems. Self-affirmations are not tricks to convince you that a situation is better than it actually is. They are prescriptions of encouragement within your reach: “I missed the chance this time, but more career opportunities are waiting for me in the future” or “Everytime I have a setback, it brings me closer to my goal.”
You become proficient on a regular basis at what you tell yourself. A positive outlook can undo the damage that stress does to your mind and body. It literally helps repair cardiovascular wear and tear. Positive encouragement sends the body a different message than negative emotions, creating a calming effect. Think about what positive support you need to give yourself to change the course of your career.
Open Your Arms To Failure And Success
In order to wrap your arms around success, you must first accept its opposite: failure. You can’t have a beginning without an end, a front without a back, an up without a down. If you’re pulling your hair out trying to gain status or achieve a goal, you must first accept that gain and loss work in concert.
To attain what we want, we must be willing to accept what we don’t want. The key is to be patient and commit ourselves in advance to facing the many smack downs we will encounter like all successful people before us. That means celebrating the upswings but not taking them any more seriously than the smack downs and not taking the smack downs any more seriously than the upswings.
Embrace Constructive Criticism
If you always search for praise and ignore constructive criticism, you run the risk of being ruined by praise when you could be saved by helpful criticism.
In order to excel, we must be willing to accept constructive feedback from colleagues without taking it personally. The only way we can know ourselves and succeed is through the mirror of human relationships. If our ego is too fragile to appreciate constructive criticism, then we might as well surround ourselves with pets—because they give unconditional acceptance and don’t talk back. When we make this attitude adjustment, like good medicine, it makes a bitter pill go down. And ultimately it contributes to our success trajectory.
(Disclaimer: The opinions expressed in the article mentioned above are those of the author(s). They do not purport to reflect the opinions or views of ICS Career GPS or its staff.)