Education and Career News / Trends from around the World — March 16th, 2021

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Curated by the Knowledge Team of ICS Career GPS


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5 steps to plan your international studies

Excerpts from article published by India Today Web Desk

Studying abroad always seems like a lucrative option for students. The thought of studying in an international university while mingling with people from different cultures sparks joy in students. However, there are few essential things to plan before you take the big step.

Follow these five steps to plan your studies abroad:

Step 1: Research Extensively

You will have to dig deep when it comes to researching about various Universities and the programmes that they offer. Check out the course curriculum and their selection procedures. Some Universities rely on tests like SAT, GRE, GMAT while others consider IELTS/ TOEFL etc. for admission in their respective courses. Moreover, check what else is required by the University to be an eligible candidate. This research will help you to figure out what is required to be a student in your dream International University.

Step 2: Take help from Counsellors

Career Counsellors can assist you to narrow down your choices. You ought to discuss your queries with a counsellor. The counsellor must be unbiased while suggesting career options to you. Keep in mind that only academics won’t help you. Most of the good foreign universities ask for LOR’s, SOP, overall student’s profile listing extra-curricular activities etc.

Step 3: Skill Development

It is important to note that renowned universities will look for students who have some exceptional skills as well. Students must strive to hone their co-curricular skills as well. Try to gain certificates that can support your application.

Step 4: Does your dream college have the required credentials?

Many times, students get carried away by the attractive advertisements and exaggerated figures presented by certain colleges. Don’t just believe what the advertisements talk about. Try to get in touch with the alumni of the college through social media websites. Check their placement records as shared by the alumni and the credentials of the professors who teach in that particular college. Students must cross-check all these things while finalizing a college.

Step 5: Work Hard

Remember that there are only limited number of seats reserved for international students in top-notch universities. Thus, it will be a tough nut to crack to secure a position in these colleges. Plan your schedules, take extra guidance, put in more hours, develop a holistic personality and strive to give your best shot in the selection procedures of these universities. Only then, you will stand a chance to study in your dream college.


(Image Credit: Freepik)

Career opportunities in hotels and tips during Covid-19 pandemic

Excerpts from article by Veer Vijay Singh, published in

It is a well known fact that the hotel industry is a people’s driven industry.

The first resources which will be needed to be able to service the Hotels and our guests would be the ‘right people’ who are not only well qualified but motivated as this will differentiate between the good and the excellent hotels.

Suggestions for fresh pass outs from catering colleges

  • Multiskilling: Try and develop your skills in different departments as the industry will be looking at multiskilled staff who could not only wear two hats in the beginning but also move horizontally in the future.
  • Industrial training: This needs to be taken very seriously as Hotel groups and  individual owners will really assess the trainees and select key associates who fit into their work ethos.
  • Study the hotel group: Try and select those companies which excite you and will take care of you.

Suggestions for other graduates

  • Opportunities will be mostly available in non-technical departments like Front Office, Hostesses, etc., as the hotels would prefer trained staff.
  • Fixed term contract is going to be the way forward and it is not a bad move as finally it is the performance that will be recognised and rewarded.
  • Job offers will come for junior jobs like waiters, housemen, etc. and people should look at the opportunities to grow before taking them.

Suggestions for staff with expertise

  • This is the group that will be preferred and specially those with technical skills like engineering, kitchen, service, etc., over non-technical staff.
  • Relook at the salary expectations as some who were getting higher salaries earlier may need to settle down with smaller packages now.
  • Do not carry the baggage of your old experiences too far and compare your organisations and the style of working as the Industry anyway shall experience some key changes in the style of working.

Suggestions for hotel owners and management

  • Re-plan your staff ratios which does not mean retrenching of star performers.
  • Staff makes all the difference and so don’t let your good staff leave.
  • Classify and put your staff into A,B,C, D buckets and accordingly plan their career developments with a fair performance management system.
  • Training in multiskilling and the new norms should be taken seriously and fresh hoteliers who would be loyal to their brand should be trained.
  • The large hotel groups could play a magnanimous role of taking some extra young managers and grooming them in the future as this will not make a major dent to the payroll but will surely help them strengthen their brand image and motivate their associates.

(Disclaimer: The opinions expressed in the article mentioned above are those of the author(s). They do not purport to reflect the opinions or views of ICS Career GPS or its staff.)

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