Education and Career News / Trends from around the World — March 15th, 2021

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Curated by the Knowledge Team of ICS Career GPS


Selecting a major is difficult enough, and for many students, choosing a minor is just as challenging. A minor is a great way to explore different areas of study.
(Image Source: Unsplash)

Selecting a minor in college

Excerpts from article by Brand Planet, published in The Daily Universe

The question of whether or not to take a minor in college is an essential one. Research illustrates that having a minor in college enhances the holistic nature of the degree programme, working to supplement the major you have elected to pursue.

You also get to enlarge your knowledge base and education in fields you are passionate about. Here are some tips on how you would pick an ideal minor for college:

What is a college minor?

Unlike the major, which is your main field of study, a minor implies a subordinate area that may or may not be linked to your major. This is often an amazing way to go after things you find interesting and show future hiring managers that like taking on added responsibilities. You will be required to declare your major, but a minor will often not be a requirement for graduation.

Here is what you should know

Although the college minor may seem unimportant, it could be a critical component of your college life. It is possible to choose something that supplements your preferred major, or you could work with a second course that is a personal interest.

If you are not sure how to proceed, here are some important things to consider:

1. It shouldn’t have to be linked to your major

Most students get stuck when cherry-picking a minor because they assume that they ought to choose an area linked to the major they are taking. You can also use the minor as a chance to expand your horizon and take on areas that you consider interesting.

2. The minor could be a way to build your resume

With competition for jobs becoming ever more cutthroat, you need to be prepared to work on a number of fields. You ought to be tactical when picking your minor as you organise yourself for future employment opportunities. This way, your educational qualifications will be broad.

3. You have to complete your coursework

College can be hectic for most students and certain majors may demand more classwork and assignments. When choosing a minor, pick something that will not require too much work. You should also consider the following:

  • How much more the minor will cost
  • Whether course will cut into your extracurricular activities
  • Whether it will take longer to graduate

Consider these factors

A great way to select an ideal minor is to consider your career plans for the future. Consider these questions:

  • What goes well with your major?
  • What improves your marketability?
  • What is currently in high demand?
  • What do you consider interesting?


The survey noted that workforce gains are expected in all seven industry sectors during the April-June period.
(Image Credit: Freepik)

It’s a good time to start looking for jobs

Excerpts from article published by the India Today Web Desk

There is finally good news for job seekers in India. A recent survey has indicated that the rate of job recovery is gradually improving in the country and more companies plan to increase hiring activity in the next quarter.

Hiring activity is likely to increase over the next three months, according to the latest survey. Around 12% of 2,375 companies who took part in the survey intend to hire more people in the upcoming April-June quarter, compared to the ongoing January-March period.

Indian employers report encouraging signs for job seekers in the next three months.

Big firms lead hiring race

The survey has estimated workforce gains for all types of companies surveyed, including small, medium and large businesses. The strongest hiring prospects are reported by large employers.

Sector-wise hiring prospects

The survey further noted that workforce gains are expected in all industry sectors during the April-June period.

  • The strongest hiring activity is likely in the Public Administration and Education sector, where the net employment outlook stands at +10%
  • Services sector employers report a cautiously optimistic outlook of +9%
  • Outlooks stand at +6% in three sectors the Finance, Insurance and Real Estate sector, the Manufacturing sector and the Transportation and Utilities sector.
  • Mining and Construction sector employers anticipate a modest hiring pace with an outlook of +5%
  • The weakest labour market is expected in the Wholesale & Retail Trade sector where the outlook is +2%.

India remains resilient in the job market recovery post the pandemic.

(Disclaimer: The opinions expressed in the article mentioned above are those of the author(s). They do not purport to reflect the opinions or views of ICS Career GPS or its staff.)

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