Twelve Habits of Highly Productive People

4 min read

Education & Career Trends: October 2, 2024
Curated by the Knowledge Team of ICS Career GPS

Productive people focus on one task at a time, fully immersing themselves in it with enjoyment and attention.

Article by Alex Mathers, published on

In a world full of distractions, productivity has become a highly sought-after asset. Through years of observing and analysing productive individuals, I’ve noticed certain surprising yet powerful habits they consistently follow. These habits not only help them achieve more but also maintain focus in an ever-distracting environment.

Here’s what sets them apart:

1. They Don’t Wait to Feel Good to Take Action

Highly productive individuals understand that motivation often comes after action, not before. Instead of waiting to “feel ready,” they dive into tasks, knowing their mood will improve once they start. The simple act of getting things done lifts their spirits and fuels further progress.

2. Attuned to Their Priorities

Productive people don’t waste time on meaningless tasks. They are closely aligned with their goals and always ask themselves: “What is worth doing the most, right now, in relation to my long-term objectives?” This sharp sense of priority helps them avoid the trap of busy work and stay focused on what truly matters.

3. They Care Less About HOW Things Are Done and More About WHY Things Must Get Done

The why behind their work holds more importance than the how. By reminding themselves of their purpose several times throughout the day, they maintain clarity and motivation, even during tedious or challenging tasks.

4. Biased Toward Completion

Leaving tasks unfinished can drain energy and momentum. Productive people are biased toward completion — they close projects, finish tasks, and move forward. This practice helps them avoid burnout and maintain a sense of accomplishment.

5. Include At Least 20 Minutes of Daily Exercise.

To them, exercise isn’t an optional chore but an essential part of their productivity. A minimum of 20 minutes of physical activity is woven into their routine, enhancing focus, energy, and creativity throughout the day.

6. Manage Worry, Rumination, and Self-Criticism

They understand that excessive worry or self-doubt only hinders progress. By cultivating faith in their abilities and leaning into action — even when uncertain — they avoid the paralysis of overthinking. For them, forward movement is always better than stagnation.

7. Bias Toward Big Action

Productive people tend to take big, decisive actions, seeing activity as a remedy for boredom and fear. They know it’s better to keep moving than to remain stuck, and they trust that their prioritisation of tasks will eventually lead to greater efficiency.

8. Driven by a Sense of Contribution

Their productivity is often powered by a deep desire to contribute to something larger than themselves. Whether it’s improving lives, making a difference in their field, or achieving broader social goals, this sense of mission keeps them energised and committed.

9. Detailed Planning

A productive person plans their day as carefully as a sailor charts a course. They don’t just rush into the day; they know which tasks are important versus merely urgent. This allows them to stay on track and avoid distractions that don’t contribute to their bigger goals.

10. Start the Day with the Hardest Task

One of the most effective habits is tackling the hardest task first. By starting the day with a challenge, they create a sense of accomplishment early on, which generates positive energy for the rest of the day.

11. Find Joy in Even the Most Tedious Tasks

Even boring tasks can become enjoyable. Productive people enter a state of flow by slowing down, letting go of negative thoughts, and focusing fully on the task at hand. This approach helps them move through their to-do list more efficiently, and with a sense of calm.

12. Ruthless Elimination of Distractions

The ability to work efficiently comes down to creating clear, uninterrupted time windows. Productive people eliminate distractions by turning off notifications, putting phones in another room, and even disabling the Internet if necessary. This laser focus helps them achieve more in less time.

Bonus Habit: Avoiding the Pressure to Be More Productive

Interestingly, they don’t pressure themselves to be constantly “more productive.” They’ve realised that overloading themselves with productivity goals often decreases performance.

Instead, they focus on one task at a time, fully immersing themselves in it with enjoyment and attention.

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(Disclaimer: The opinions expressed in the article mentioned above are those of the author(s). They do not purport to reflect the opinions or views of ICS Career GPS or its staff.)

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