6 Freelance Skills You Should Know About

4 min read

Education & Career Trends: September 10, 2024

Curated by the Knowledge Team of  ICS Career GPS

A lucrative and in-demand career option is content writing.
  • Excerpts are taken from an article published on makeuseof.com

Closing long-term projects are more complex than ever since there are millions of freelancers competing for the same possibilities. Customers have several options. They only want to deal with experts who have the necessary experience and can solve their challenges.

Learn new technical abilities to advance as a freelancer rather than waste time pitching to disinterested clients. Try to distinguish yourself from competitors. Here are six hard talents in demand in the freelancing sector to help you with your research.

1. Content Writing and Copywriting

  • A lucrative and in-demand career option is writing.
  • Company owners want written content for a variety of assets, such as email subject lines, social media posts, advertising, landing sites, and photo captions.
  • Practice your grammatical skills if you want to create advertising content.
  • You can write in any language you choose, but keep in mind that the majority of internet chances for freelance writing will be in English.
  • Make your phrases brief but effective. After you can construct grammatically sound phrases, focus on producing educational, captivating material that appeals to your target audience.

2. Website Development

  • Considering how crucial it is to have a website, not everyone can launch one.
  • Yet, if you have a talent for designing web layouts and designs, you could definitely pick up site development within a week or two.
  • Start practising with easy, no-code site builders. Learn the steps involved in creating a website before attempting to publish a few example web pages.
  • Following that, you might want to try learning to code.
  • You will stand out from the millions of independent contractors that utilise the pre-made site builder templates by learning how to modify them and develop new website elements.

3. Social Media Management

  • Not all business owners have the time to maintain social media. 
  • They hire autonomous freelancers to maintain their accounts. The specific tasks will vary case by case.  For instance, some companies might choose to concentrate on blogging, but others could put more emphasis on distributing press releases to media partners.
  • Studying various marketing strategies is a good place to start if you want to succeed in managing social media.
  • Discover how to increase a brand’s reach and conversion rates by using sponsored posts, paid advertisements, live videos, and content development.
  • Choose a speciality as well. If you completely comprehend your client’s target market’s needs, they will be more inclined to hire you.

4. AI Programming

  • Though artificial intelligence (AI) technology won’t completely replace the human worker, it will undoubtedly change how many industries do business. AI will not go away.
  • If you are familiar with the top programming languages for developing AI, then your first automated system might not seem that difficult.
  • Get more fluent in these languages. In addition to studying theories, develop your abilities by investigating how they are used in the real-world AI sector.

5. Graphic Designing

  • Businesses often hire graphic designers to improve the quality of their images and incorporate them into their online platforms.
  • So if you already have a talent for painting, consider studying picture editors that are user-friendly to beginners.
  • The majority of clients will probably request that you provide content for advertisements, articles, vlogs, and social media postings.

6. App Development

  • The field of app development is lucrative and in demand.
  • People routinely use hundreds of software apps for both business and personal use in our tech-dependent environment.
  • You may be sure that competent developers are in high demand from organisations worldwide.
  • Programmers are needed to establish complicated programmes like social networking websites and instant messaging services, although they are not nearly as difficult to launch as basic apps.

Have you checked out yesterday’s blog yet

6 career options after a BBA/BBM degree

(Disclaimer: The opinions expressed in the article mentioned above are those of the author(s). They do not purport to reflect the opinions or views of ICS Career GPS or its staff.)

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